Would it be possible to remove the timer somehow? I wouldn't want that during speedruns
Yes, I put in the GMK for you guys to be able to customize the Tool. If you want to remove the Timer, just adjust the draw event in the "init" object. Also
make sure the Kid and the "pink object" are on the same height, because every time you die, the kid fires a bullet which is responsible for changing the old death variable
to the new one.
If you don't have any clue, I can maybe find the time to upload you a version.
Is there a way to have splits on the death counter? I feel like pressing your normal split button and getting deaths along with times would be helpful.
Sorry, but I have no clue what you mean. If you mean by pressing the "split button" you want to reset the Timer and deathcount, no, that's not possible, because the tool
reads these variables directly from the save and as soon you save, the variables would be set to the "save-file-variables" again.
What you could do is changing the variable names in the draw event to your own once, and as soon the "real-death-variable" changes you increase your own one by 1. The same thing goes for
for your timer variable.
And by pressing the split button you could also reset your own Timer variable along with your own death variable.