image_speed=0;saveTimer = -1;
saveTimer -= 1;
if place_meeting(x,y,bullet){ //sound_play(saveSound); //optionalif(saveTimer < 0 && instance_exists(player) == true){ saveTimer = 30; image_index = 1; image_speed = 0.017; saveGame();}}//if you don't have global controls then switch the second part to to keyboard_check(ord("Z"))if place_meeting(x,y,player) and keyboard_check_pressed(global.button4){ // sound_play(saveSound); //optionalif(saveTimer < 0 && instance_exists(player) == true){ saveTimer = 30; image_index = 1; image_speed = 0.017; saveGame(); }}
Why are you complaining about being a meme? this is a positive thing
Not sure if you got the idea from me or not, But its already something in my engine for quite a while.but nobody seems to trust my suggestions for this kind of thing cuz needle maker or something ര.༵ര