Author Topic: I Wanna Be the Inversion OST (WIP)  (Read 1194 times)


  • Spike Dodger
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I Wanna Be the Inversion OST (WIP)
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:24:26 AM »
After using LSDJ for 8-bit music for a while, I finally stumbled across FamiTracker (don't know how I've never found it before, must have been blind to not notice it). On top of doing some 8-bit versions of what appears in the other game I'm working on (I Wanna Survive the Cyclone) I will be creating a full soundtrack for another game I'm working on called I Wanna Be the Inversion.

Though all the tracks won't be made from scratch like with Cyclone, all tracks will still need to be tabbed and composed in FamiTracker from scratch. They'll be 8-bit versions of Ewan Dobson songs with original drum tracks added. Here's the first one, many more to come of this style.

FYI where the name of the game comes from - inversions are also known as ambigrams, aka you can flip them upside down and they'll look exactly the same. I was going to name the game I Wanna Ambigram but I think this sounds better. The logo below is an example of one:

Levels will all utilize this feature and much more.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 03:48:58 AM by ShadowsDieAway »