Not going to release an updated game this week even though things look different.
Working on making all new maps and dont want to release it with only one completed (screenshot below).
Started cleaning up my list of smaller things to do since I got the AI script done last week.
Added in a game timer and death counter (game timer is only in seconds, no use calculating time every frame and I can change to minutes / hours / days during display later).
Worked on cleaning up the Gamecontroller script to incorporate the new items.
I wasnt going to mess with the file loading screen but I needed to add in death / game time, so I changed a few things.
Changed the File Selection screen to show deaths / timer. The labels and buttons scale based on screen size.
Was hoping the new GUI system would be released from Unity soon, but I shall wait some more.
Secret string added to the Gamecontroller to differentiate between save game files.
- Im not sure if this was the correct way to do this, but previously any save file would work no matter what I would do in the game (ie extremely generic save file)
- Now, there is a secret string added to the gamecontroller that it must match in order to load the data from a saved file.
Added to the Area modifier script to deal with movement speed change and other variables regarding triggering (move speed / jump / gravity / max fall speed / etc)
Searching around and I think I found the settings for water and I added those to the area modifier - water prefab.
Added code to allow for enabling / disabling of autofire.
Updated / redid the Objects via waypont script (used in moving platforms)
All of the platforms prefabs (both jumpthrough and sticky) have been updated and the triggers are more exact.
Added spawn bouncy object to the Object spawner script.
Warp in room script updated
- Warp in room changed to give the ability to keep the offset of enter / exit to allow this prefab to be used in screen-wrapping
- Previously, when the player entered the trigger they were spawned to the exact exit point no matter the point of entry.
Added the spike treadmill script / prefab (you know that, spike goes up / moves across the ground / then goes back into the ground thing)
- Has settings for speed / spike spawn rate. Starting point / Ending point are empty gameobject that can be placed anywhere.
- Can twist / spin the prefab any direction and it will work (ie, spikes going along the ground vs going up the wall is nothing more than rotating the parent object)
- Has the option for the movements to be based off of global / local transforms (global would make it so that the spikes always are facing up while local would be facing up relative to the parent objects current rotations).
Redid scene 3 that showcased the warp in room prefab (Screenshot below)
Those ninja star things spin (bottom middle ones spin along the y-axis and the right set spin along the z-axis)
Previously, each of my scenes showcased a prefab in the simplest of ways. Redoing the room caused me to find an oversight in how one of my prefab was scripted.
So it seems I will be redoing all of these simple crappy rooms and making them a lot more complicated / harder.
My goal is to end up with around 20 screens of medium difficulty
- maybe 2 screen per important prefab
- So 2 dealing with the warp in room prefab, 2 dealing with water, 2 dealing with movespeed / jump trigger, 2 with traps, etc (just to test how they hold up)
- Im sure I might need more screens if the prefab is more complex
Add in the boss I made before and I guess I can release my first game with this engine.
It has been going through my mind that I might possibly somewhat kinda maybe think about getting close to doing a limited release of the engine to those who are interested.
Have been thinking about what I really need to finish up on in the engine. Much of the major items are complete.
Making a game myself using what I have built will give me a better idea.
- Even this week I have started going through and reordered / renamed scripts / prefabs to be more consistent. I also need to comment the scripts better.
- Also making a general use guide will take a bit of time as well (how the engine is setup overall).
- Im not in a hurry, but these are some things going through my mind.