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Topics - Joni

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Banned from twitch
« on: June 23, 2015, 03:18:52 PM »
I was permabanned from twitch and dont even know why. Contacted support, no answer yet. Anyone noticed any weird behaviour by my account? I havent streamed in ages, so it seems unlikely that I got banned for inapropriate content or something like that. Maybe someone used my account as a bot or smth, idk.

Other people randomly getting banned, by any chance?

Meet and Greet! / Hello
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:16:14 AM »
Hey people, I'm Joni, or JoniAemkay on twitch from Germany. Currently I'm studying in Hong Kong for an exchange, which is awesome. I'll turn 24 in December, so I guess I can be considere as theoldgeezer. Most of you guys will already know me from twitch chat. :D

I've been watching Boshy runs for an eternity and a half. I think the first time that I watched Boshy was Den's playthrough or something like that.. Then Kale entered the chat and said something about getting an insane run, a 1:24 or something and that's when I started watching Kale.
Then I also started following all the other Boshy runners, which in the end led to me seeing alot of other fangames, which I have played my fair share of but since I'm mostly playing other games (DotA 2), I very rarely play any myself. My first fangame was Boshy, in which I made it up to Solgryn but never hat the patience to grind that fight.

Somehow during the last couple of weeks I played through some fangames and feel like I'm improving a lot, although I dont really have the patience to grind something for a long period of time, hence a game needs to be "just right" in terms of difficulty curve for me to actually play through it. I usually get stuck at some save that I consider annoying and not fun and then dont touch the game again.

Ive been lurking the boards for quite some time now and finally decided to create an account, mainly because the idea of Bingo is so appealing and because you people seem like a fun bunch.

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