Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete

I Wanna Kill the Happil 2 Ver. 0.3.4

(1/5) > >>

First, sorry for my poor English skills.

This game, I Wanna Kill the Happil 2, is a medley game, so it contains many fangames.

Each maps are much harder than original maps of fangames,

so maybe you don't have to worry about spoiler(..)

There are 3 stages and 3 bosses in this version, and boss 3 is not complete.

And I will make 7 stages, stage 7 is original stage of IWKTH 2.

It has achievements system (for example, "100 deaths : Hunt Red!").

There are 27 achievements you can get!

And it has items system, too.

To get items, you should clear a secret stage of each stage.

If you collect all items, (Spoiler)

This game is POSSIBLE!!!


 - Makers -

Just [Main Producer]
Starz0r (Difficulty Assurance)

 - Stages -

(click to show/hide)<< Stage 1 >>
             I Wanna Conquer the Blow Game 1        [てとりす]
             I Wanna be the Fangame                 [tijit] Happilous!!
             I Wanna Enjoy the Game                 [Betty]
             I Wanna Clear Only Stage               [짝버]
             I Wanna be the GGM                     [あいこ?ん]
             I Wanna be the First                   [kukul] Happilous!!
             I Wanna Go the Colorful World          [Betty]
             I Wanna be Dark Blue                   [P]
             I Wanna be the Lord of Time            [??]
             I Wanna be the Guy                     [Kayin] Happilous!!

 - Stage 1 Boss - I Wanna be the Guy, The Gay (The Guy)
                     I Wanna be the Lord of Time
                     I Wanna be the Phantom (Endurance)

 - Hidden Stage 1 - I Wanna Kill the Happil * 1 Item Stage *

<< Stage 2 >>
             I Wanna Conquer the Blow Game 2        [てと]
             I Wanna Chase the Guy                  [김가이] Happilous!!
             I Wanna be the Tribute                 [shaman666]
             I Wanna Escape the Natural Disaster    [짝버] Happilous!!
             I Wanna Kill the Machine               [너클제터]
             I Wanna be the Yassan(21)              [やっさん(21)]
             I Wanna be the Game Terminator 1       [PDplayer] Happilous!!
             I Wanna be the Original                [프로스커] Happilous!!
             I Wanna Control the Space              [데몬]
             I Wanna be the Best Guy                [Gustav]
             I Wanna Kill the Guy                   [Thenewgeezer] Happilous!!

 - Stage 2 Boss - I Wanna Kill the Guy, Daazer (Geezer)
                     I Wanna be the Best Guy, Gustav (Gustav)
                     I Wanna be the Love Trap (Endurance)

 - Hidden Stage 2 - I Wanna Kill the Happil * 2 Item Stage *

<< Stage 3 >>
             I Wanna be the RUKIMIN                 [るきみん]
             I Wanna be the Magnanimity             [てとりん] Happilous!!
             I Wanna be the Justice                 [か?にばる] Happilous!!
             I Wanna be the Diverse                 [ていく]
             I Wanna be the Game Terminator 2       [PDplayer]
             I Wanna be the Hero-Again              [Rivnes] Happilous!!
             I Wanna Save the Minecraft             [셩딜] Happilous!!
             I Don't Wanna be the Gay               [도미키]
             I Wanna be the Heady                   [PDplayer]
             I Wanna be the Best Guy 2              [Gustav] Happilous!!
             I Wanna Take the Time-Machine          [INFLUKA] Happilous!!
             I Wanna be the Boshy                   [Solgryn] Happilous!!

 - Stage 3 Boss - I Wanna be the Boshy, Hosungryn (Solgryn)
                     I Wanna be the Best Guy 2, Gustav (Gustav)
                     I Wanna Take the Timemachine, INFLUKA (INFLUKA)
                     I Wanna Keep My Mental Difficult Mode (Endurance)
                     I Wanna Go the DotKID! (Endurance)

 - Hidden Stage 3 - I Wanna Kill the Happil * 3 Item Stage *

 - Screenshots -

(click to show/hide)

 - Progress -


 - Download -

Release at v0.4.0

LoLGamer CCC:
Is this fangame possible?
I'm being serious right now.It has litteraly rooms with impossible segments from what I've seen in videos about it.

 wow, you spent much work on it! i was fascinated by some of your cruel difficulty ideas :)
and i really hope many people will try to  beat it!!!


--- Quote from: LoLGamer CCC on May 17, 2014, 12:41:38 PM ---Is this fangame possible?
I'm being serious right now.It has litteraly rooms with impossible segments from what I've seen in videos about it.

--- End quote ---

The game as it was way earlier was not possible.

Now a days it is being modified by starz0r so that its possible for everyone to play, will anyone beat it, even in its possible state is the question.

I do look forward to this game though, and Just, welcome to the forum.

Edit: as a simple question, is there anyway you can add in a Windows 8 Compatibility Mode? one you can turn on and off like Permanence 2?


--- Quote from: Swordslinger on May 17, 2014, 08:58:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: LoLGamer CCC on May 17, 2014, 12:41:38 PM ---Is this fangame possible?
I'm being serious right now.It has litteraly rooms with impossible segments from what I've seen in videos about it.

--- End quote ---

The game as it was way earlier was not possible.

Now a days it is being modified by starz0r so that its possible for everyone to play, will anyone beat it, even in its possible state is the question.

I do look forward to this game though, and Just, welcome to the forum.

Edit: as a simple question, is there anyway you can add in a Windows 8 Compatibility Mode? one you can turn on and off like Permanence 2?

--- End quote ---

Thank you :)
I was worried about being blamed because of its insanity...

Well, I don't use Windows 8, so I don't know why my game is not compatible with Windows 8, sorry;;
Anyway, I'll do my best for adding in a Windows 8 Compatibility Mode. (is this grammar right?)
And I haven't played Permanence 2 yet, so I don't know what you mean;


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