Fangames > Engines

I wanna be the Engine Seph Edition

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--- Quote from: Kryshtal on April 24, 2015, 11:32:44 AM ---I don't understand how to make room transitions, I put the oRoomSwitch object and put the code:

--- Code: ---if room = rStage1a {
if x < 8 { room = reisen; player.x = 792; }

--- End code ---

and get

--- Code: ---FATAL ERROR in
action number 1
of Collision Event with object player
for object oRoomSwitch:

Unexisting room number: 725
--- End code ---

And Klazen's tutorial uses a different method with a different engine, so I'm lost.
This is the first time I do anything programming related, so I'm pretty noob.

--- End quote ---
This error is pointing that this room doesn't exist "room = reisen;". You need a valid room name here.

Ok, it worked after I changed the name, I assume I can't have rooms and objects with the same name.


it's good practice in general to not have any two things with the same name. also, while gamemaker will let you compile, you won't be able to export resources if you have duplicate names.

When specifying an object, start its name with obj. An example would be objApple. Apply this same principle to sprites (spr), rooms (r), scripts (scr), etc. It becomes very important in order to keep track of everything in your game the bigger your game gets. It helps immensely!

Junior Nintendista:
I'm getting the following error when I change the name of the object and others.

What do I do? Thanks.


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