Took around 4 hours and 30 mins. Sub 70 hours Stage 5 reached hype

Will probably play until Rukito, then I'll either quit or send my savefile to my brother's computer (I think I know how to avoid the anti saveshare system) since his keyboard isn't as terrible as the notebook keyboard I normally use where I can't even 2 frame/do ledges consistently.
Not really a great time are you kidding me? You did it faster than everyone in the western community i think 
Well, my Emperor and Dotkid times are bad, my Colonel time is just average I think. My Piano time is actually good, but after trying to beat Piano again for a few hours I realized that the people who said that Piano is RNG grinding are actually right since I got walled almost everytime I got far. I'm very happy about my INFLUKA time though, so there's that at least