Here i bring you yet another fangame, it is very short on purpose, please leave me a comment saying if you enjoyed (or hated it) and why.
Status:I think this is going to be the final version as i think i have nailed all the remaining issues. If you find something tell me.
New in 1.5: - A secret! Find it in the first area.
- You should not be able to go outside the room boundaries anymore.
- Reworked the transition between the two parts.
Here is a list of things you can expect:- 8 or so screens. Told you it was short!
- A (mini) boss
- Two new types of ammo
- Darkness
- Wall jumping
- Spike jumping
- An introduction
- An ending.
Controls: (do read! there is no way to change them, sorry)
- Shift: Jump
- Arrow keys: Move
- Z: shoot
- Q: Invicibility
- Page up: Switch between flares and vine shots. I know it's not practical, but you should not try to change ammo type midair.
- Page down: Switch abnormal ammo off.
- C: switch between flares and vine shots.
- Careful! The game will save how much ammo you have left, there should be an ammo refill near each save point... Still, do not waste it. If you get stuck because of lack of ammo tell me, but it should not be possible.
How to use the vine shooter:You acquire it as soon as the end of the first area, the first area is only meant as an introduction.
Simply aim at a wall, it will create on impact a surface you can wall jump on, beware the limited ammo! (On screen, you can see it on the top left corner).
Switch between the flares in the main area and the vine shooter using page up/page down.
How to use the flares:Simply shoot with them! They'll bounce around the screen ligthing the way!
Stuck?I got the gem, what do i do?
Backtrack to the beggining, the spikes barring your way left will be gone
I got the vine shooter, what do i do?
Backtrack two screens and climb to the top, the previously inaccessible area, then go right to the main part of the game.
How to defeat the boss:
Shoot it! Then reach the orb.
Be careful not to waste your vine ammo.
You're not answering, how do i dodge the laser??
Look at the screenshot.
First jump too hard?Note: this is from a very early version of the game, everything is lit up, you will lose the exploration feeling if you un spoiler it.

Main area:

Known bugs:None.
(The lighting in the boss area sometimes messes up after your death, going on and off. On restarting everything is fine.)
Credits:In game.
To everyone i missed in the credit, i'm really sorry, i did not make them exhaustive because it is such a short game.
Hope no one minds.