Blue Fruit is a new site where you can create an account and submit your fangames!
We're releasing now because of news that the
original wiki is shutting down.

7 But fangames live on!

Blue Fruit is developed by Patrickgh3 (me), hosted by Klazen108, and translated into Japanese by Normal. There is a small team of administrators who approve games. If you have any questions, post in this thread, or contact us in the
I Wanna Community Discord.
Please keep the following in mind:
- Games will eventually automatically be added to DelFruit, but right now they're added manually by admins.
- You may encounter bugs; please be patient and report them to us.
- Check your spam folder for your confirmation email.
- Blue fruit isn't 100% finished; there are still features we'd like to add in the future!
FAQ / Updates:- The current list of games on the wiki will soon be added to Blue Fruit. No need to re-submit your old games.
- Blue Fruit is a separate site from Delicious Fruit. You can think of it as replacing the wiki.
- Accounts are required to reduce "junk" uploads, and to be able to "own" your submitted games through your account.
- Delicious Fruit will eventually automatically add games from both Blue Fruit and