Hey guys, I got some news to say, the Real reason why I came to this website is not because I want to show you my fangames... the truth is: the reason i've came to this website is because... I suck at making fangames.
That's right, I never wanted to admit it, but I had to... I just want some info on how to be a good game developer like Klazen, Pieceofcheese, ParagusRants & The rest of you, also I have a fangame idea, it's called "I Wanna Be The Unique"
the game is gonna be perfect, I can't make it alone, and the game will have tons and tons of gimmicks! also good stage ideas, also i'm restarting my work on Quarzia, I want to start all over again, I just want your help.

Please leave a message below, It'll make me happy... see you soon [also i cancelled Real Hero because... it wasn't a good attempt, and i didn't touch the .gmk for a while

PS. If you'd like to join my Discord server, that'll be nice :'3