So with some brainstorming in the IWC Discord, the idea came up of doing a little needle game consisting of maps built around limitations and restrictions. A challenge arose where people were making a map with the limitation of
only using 32px grid and
only using up-spikes. People produced some interesting and creative maps with the concept, and it made me wonder what else people can come up with given different limitations. So...
The ConceptOver set periods, I'll assign with the help of others a theme or two for people to build around. It could be to base a room heavily around vines as the only gimmick, or only using down-spikes, or something else entirely! We'll have a time period to do it over like a week or so, and people will come up with some creative inspiration and make some cool maps around that theme!
Example of the '32px Up-spike' restriction:
The ResultFrom what people have made, we'll decide on the top 2-4 (or more depending on numbers) entries and work them forward into a needle game! We can do balance and such after all the maps have been made and we work them in. I was also considering making a little collage of different maps made using the same restriction, to compare the different things that people have made. The decided maps will probably be put forward at the end after all the contest / events have been finished.
The ChallengeSo whether or not this happens depends on if people want to take part. If you do, grab your handy map-making tool (such as
JTool) and get to work! Share your maps in the thread or the Jtool discord and when the time is over, the community can look through and pick out their favourites!
Worth noting that difficulty is kept in mind. Please aim for a reasonable map difficulty in the sense that we're not looking for needle that's made for TAS'ing. Keep it fun! The finished result will have a difficulty curve, and things will be nerfed/buffed if needed. Feel free to submit an easy version and a hard version of your map if you like!
So for the first week, there are two challenges!
Week 1 - Ups and DownsChallenge Ends On - 29th March Map 1 - Up-Spike 32PX Challenge
Requirements: - Only the 32px grid is available for use
- Only up-spikes and blocks are available for use
Example: Map 2 - Down-Spike 16PX Challenge
Requirements: - Only the 16px grid is available for use
- Only down-spikes and blocks are available for use
Example: Happy making!