Author Topic: I Wanna Break The Spike Trial 1.012  (Read 1469 times)


  • Wannabe
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I Wanna Break The Spike Trial 1.012
« on: March 07, 2017, 09:03:52 AM »
Do you wanna Play Needle Game?

But.. is too hard or too... boring?

Try this game!

This game is medium length spike game!

but! it adds various mekanisms!

This game has Easy/Normal Mode and Easy mode for beginners


Now.. Escape From That World!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2017, 09:08:52 AM by UMFactorius »


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Re: I Wanna Break The Spike Trial 1.012
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2017, 11:59:49 AM »
I'm downloading, but I'd recommend posting at least a couple of screenshots. A lot of people won't want to download it unless they know what they're getting into.

EDIT: Here are my thoughts on the game.
EDIT AGAIN: I'm an idiot

- Overall great soundtrack
- Nice graphics (minus one area which I'll talk about later)
- Pretty well designed levels
- Decent save balance

- Extremely annoying trolls
- Certain sounds (breaking blocks and fake blocks) are really loud
- Z saves that are commonly either a few blocks away from the first jump, or in the air (personal pet peeve, probably doesn't bother that many people)

As far as graphics go, there is only one complaint I really have to say. In world three (the gray level with switches and clocks) the tiles and background blend in a lot. It is very hard for me to distinguish shades of gray from black, so sometimes figuring out where to go was a bit of a hassle (particularly the last save, with the moving platforms).

One thing I didn't particularly enjoy were the trolls. They seemed very out of place in this game, and just frustrated me more than anything. However,
(click to show/hide)

Something I noticed that is probably a bug/oversight certain places I found I could stand on blocks next to spikes.
(click to show/hide)

From what I played I'd rate it a 7/10, 40-45 difficulty.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2017, 02:48:48 AM by dalt »


  • Wannabe
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Re: I Wanna Break The Spike Trial 1.012
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2018, 03:13:15 PM »
I Really Love this, keep it up