8/14/16 - 9/30/16 (mid August - end of September)Overview:I invite all fangame makers to make a short halloween-themed stage! I’ve made a ghost kid and a few other sprites to use. After the September deadline we'll vote on the best stages, and compile all stages into a game and release to the wiki on October 31st. I think it’ll be a fun event for our community to do!
Stages should be:• Short length. (about 10 minutes playtime)
• Easy difficulty. (about 25/100)
• Halloween-themed! Spooky!
• Made in the provided engine (Yoyo with ghost kid sprite)
Rules List1. Aim for 25/100 difficulty. Examples: Strongest Fairy, Spook House. Aim for 10 minutes playtime for an intermediate player.
3. Make it halloween themed! Spooky!
4. Use the provided engine with the ghost kid and other stuff.
5. Prefix all your new resources with your name. The exact format is up to you. For example: sprPatSpikeUp, s_patSpikeUp, etc.
6. When you submit, include a .txt list of any scripts, objects, or other resources you modify.
7. As you make your stage, make a .txt list of where you found resources you didn't make yourself, like music, graphics, sound effects, etc.
8. End your stage with a portal with some space around it. The portal will look like:
Clarifications• Don’t feel like you have to use the whole month. If you finish in a week or less that’s fine.
• Type/genre can be whatever you want. Adventure, needle, trap, with or without boss, just a boss, etc, as long as it fits the difficulty and length.
• It’s okay to reuse previous work (graphics, levels, etc.) as long as it fits the halloween theme.
• All skill levels are welcome. Don't be scared, the competition aspect is friendly.
• More production value will be added or changed later and you shouldn't worry about it, such as a title screen, game over image, etc.
In October (after the deadline):• For 2 weeks we will rate each other’s stages. (No external judges, just participants) The rankings will be in the credits of the game.
• For 1 month, as a group we will work on:
• Order of stages
• Balance stages
• Consider a hard difficulty mode (60/100?)
• Misc. production value
How to participate:Join the Spook Jam Discord server (SEPERATE from the I wanna community discord): (new link 8/28)
Contact me: Skype: patrickgh3, Twitch: patrickgh3.
Engine download: me know if you have any questions! I'm open to changing anything. And I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone makes!