A few weeks ago I switched from Windows 10 to Windows 7. Installed all the drivers and everything seemed to be working perfectly, but when I played some Brute or FTFA a message like this message would pop up when loading the game.

When I'm not streaming or recording I usually play with fangame sound off (so I can play other music or watch Twitch/YouTube at the same time), so I didn't care about that error as long as I could play the games. Everything seemed to be fine until I downloaded Fidelity. Whenever I jumped on that game it would lag it a lot, making it almost unplayable. Today I wanted to play Challenge 100 Trials and it was even worse.
I have to say that audio works perfectly on any other program/software other than fangames, so I don't know what could be causing this. I re-installed the audio drivers to see if that worked, but it didn't.
I'll put down here what happens on different games when this error pops up.
FTFA: Mixer track doesn't appear till I jump or shoot. Jump and death sounds work perfectly. Shooting lags it.
Brute: Mixer track won't appear. No lag but no sound.
Fidelity: Mixer track appears from the beginning. Jumping/shooting/dying stops music and lags the game. The more frequent these sounds are, the more laggy and unplayable it gets. Music restarts after pressing R but it takes more than 1 second to load (maybe it's normal).
Challenge 100 Trials: Pretty much the same as Fidelity except that it's a lot more laggy (maybe because music instantly reloads after playing the shoot/jump sound, not when restarting like with Fidelity) and that mixer track appears when first sound is played, like with FTFA.
By the way, games made with GM:S work perfectly so far (Simple Needle, JTool), they don't even give me that error message. Oh, and I'm using a thing called EqualizerAPO, but I don't think that does anything to fangames.
I hope this info can help. Thanks in advance.
JGB aka needle mater