Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning IWBTG community!
It's about time for the megathread of everything you need to know about the upcoming Fangame Marathon! This thread will be constantly tweaked, edited, and updated with latest updates and news regarding FGM, so keep this page bookmarked!
This topic contains the following:
I. Runner & Volunteer Submissions/Scheduling
II. Official Date(s)/Time(s)
III. Rules/Layout of FGM for both runners and broadcasters
IV. Extraneous Information pertaining to FGM (communications, events, etc.)
V. Prior FGM (2015) considerations
VI. Donations-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I. Runner SubmissionsThe runner and volunteer submission page can be found here: [PAST DEADLINE BUCKAROOS]
The submissions list can be found here: last day for submissions of runs and/or events is May 13th!The schedule can be found here: use this form to
submit a run and submit volunteer work.
Please note that a submission does not necessarily mean an
accepted submission. It will largely depend on dates and times that work for runners. We ask that runners be as flexible as possible, as it makes scheduling much easier and allows for more variety within the schedule, and includes more potential runners. Last FGM (2015), every single runner that submitted had a run in the marathon!
Please note that we will need A LOT of help, as much as possible. As of now, we have ShadowsDieAway with graphic design and layout update, and Sandsky designing our layouts again! Both of them did fantastic work last year, and we look forward to the quality work they will produce this year. Also, MrSSFireball will be doing a 'highlight reel' at the end of FGM 2016, so we look forward to some hilarious moments during this year's marathon!
So what do we need? If you can re-stream, can design certain aspects of the stream (such as the twitch page!), or help out with any part of the tech, we would love to have you on board the FGM team! Please indicate what you can do on the form itself, thanks!
Also Note: If you would like to submit a "showcase" instead of a speedrun, we would love to hear your ideas! Whether its a new game preview, a skill showcase of some sort, or something completely different, we would love to hear about it! Please use the submission form for any showcase-style runs, and they will be considered! A showcase-style run also includes any event ideas you may have.
II. Official Date(s)/Time(s)The official date is set for:
June 10th - June 12thStarting at:
12:00 PM EDT on June 10thEnding at:
12:30 PM EDT on June 12thWe are looking for at least
48 hours worth of content this year, as opposed to last year's ~39 hours of content. The times and dates are subject to change as we receive more feedback, and the times will be set in stone once a schedule is verified.
III. Rules/Layout for FGM for runners and broadcastersThe marathon rules have remained largely unchanged with the exception of a few nuances that we've included in this year's ruleset. Any new rule change is a direct result from feedback regarding FGM 2015.
For runners:- When you stream, it will be streamed to either your channel or a RTMP server (TBD)
- FGM will take that stream and put it onto the main stream page,
- Please be ready to stream at your designated time. We ask that runners be available up to 1/2 hour before their scheduled time to allow for any inconsistencies within the schedule
- When streaming your run, please keep the fangame window in its native resolution. The tech crew is cropping your stream to only include your game feed (and your audio), so please do not stretch or cover any part of the game feed!
- Webcams are not necessary, but if you do choose to use one, please keep it off of the game feed
- A timer is not necessary to stream as well, as FGM will time your run for you
- We encourage runners to commentate their own game while they run it. Runners are allowed to bring in other commentators for their run if they choose to do so, but we ask that these commentators are knowledgeable about the game and the runner. If you choose to keep your run silent, please let the current tech crew know so that FGM may commentate the run instead
- Please keep the FGM twitch chat open to respond to any questions from either the FGM tech crew or the viewers themselves during your run
- While we are not taking a hard-line stance towards a PG-rated stream, we ask that you keep your language to a respectable level. While a lot of players in the community tend to curse off some gate jumps, we ask that it stays as PG-13 as possible with no excessive cursing
- Runners must comply with Twitch's streaming rules for broadcasters at all times. This includes no racism of any kind, even in jest. We ask that runners keep their shirts on this time, even if you have a great 6-pack. Please avoid use of words like "retarded" or "faggot" that may be grounds for offensive content per Twitch's rules.
- Most importantly, have fun! We love watching our viewers get excited over FGM, and we hope our runners are, too!
For broadcasters:- Whether the stream is taken from the runner or a RTMP server, we ask that re-broadcasters are ready at their scheduled time
- Shifts will be multiple hours long (4-6 most likely, dependent upon # of volunteers)
- Layouts will include a transition scene, as well as multi-person layouts. The exact layouts will be updated as we receive them, so please make sure you are streaming the right one
- Fit the game feed(s) and webcam into the appropriate dimensions as indicated on the given layouts
- Please do not talk over the runner unless absolutely necessary. Please do not mercy kill the current run unless we are drastically behind schedule. If you are forced to do commentary, you are subject to the same rules as the runners for language and appropriateness
- The re-broadcaster is also in control of the timer, which is also streamed. Please use the correct settings (which will be given) on your timer, and start/stop at the correct times
- Just like the runners, have fun!
For viewers:- FGM 2016 is a super fun event for the community, so get hyped! We love the high energy our viewers bring to the stream!
- Most of our viewers behaved excellently during the last event, so we look forward to positive behavior this time around! Please remember that just like broadcasters, viewers should refrain from excessive language in the chat, as well as any form of racism, even in jest
- The marathon will be held at ... go follow it now!
- To drum up any hype, we will be hashtagging #FangameMarathon on Twitter! You can join in on the hype as we approach the marathon start date!
- There will be completely new viewers who most likely know nothing about fangames. We ask that our veteran fangame viewers are respectful towards any "noob" questions or comments they make. We want to include as many as possible!
- Got a twitch account? Want to type /host fangamemarathon when the marathon starts? Of course you do!
- Know a big or small streamer that would love to watch FGM with their viewers? Maybe just a personal friend? Tell them all about us! We love some positive press

IV. Extraneous Information pertaining to FGMCommunication channels:
We now have a discord where you can talk to other runners and viewers of FGM! Join: If you are a runner, you
MUST join this discord for us to broadcast your audio (mic/commentary) as well as staying up-to-date on any changes!
The main twitch page: YouTube: information:
Twitch: Tehjman1993 or Klazen108
Twitter: @Tehjman1993 or @Chucktard
Discord: TJ or Klazen108
Iwanna Forum: Tehjman1993 or Klazen108
More links will be updated as time draws near!
V. Prior FGM (2015) considerationsThese are taken straight from the 2015 consideration thread:
Regarding Self-Promotion:Runners are certainly allowed to promote themselves any way they like. But we ask that you do NOT advertise other channels in any way during a different runner's time slot. Some runners last year felt that a lot of attention was drawn away from them due to spam of other runners' channels. We do not want runners to feel this way, and so we ask that you do not advertise other channels during a run, unless it is for the current runner.
Regarding Time Estimates:Please try to keep your time as accurate as possible this year! We understand that "going over" time is a little embarrassing, but that is why your time is an 'estimate' for the run! Some of the time estimates last year were way off, and it can really mess up the schedule, so please try to be as accurate as you can! Do not give yourself a 15-minute buffer!
Regarding FrankerFaceZ:We will be a little more strict with quality-control on any emotes submitted during the marathon. If you would like to submit an emote for the marathon, let us know! We would love to see your ideas before the marathon starts!
Regarding Variety of Games:We would like to include as many different fangames as possible - do not feel afraid to submit a non-traditional speedrun! If you really like Rainbow Miku and think you can beat it in one go during the marathon, submit it!
Regarding "Memes":At some points in the FGM 2015 marathon, some users felt that a wall of random emotes is the best way to support the viewer. Walls of emotes are typically never a good way to show your support! Please keep it classy and only spam at appropriate times (ex: JUAN JUAN JUAN during NANG).
Regarding Professional Attitudes:Already discussed in the ruleset, but we stress that runners stay as professional as possible. Any talk about depression or suicide or family problems is probably not the best topic to talk about during your run. A lot of viewers will look towards the current runner and commentary to gauge how to act, so please keep it mature! We want to have a positive chat, and positive runners! It sets the tone for the rest of our community, especially towards viewers who are brand new.
VI. DonationsThis year, we will be attempting to donate money towards a charitable cause. This idea is still being discussed, but the way that we wish to handle it is the following:
- Establish 1 or 2 main charities that will be donated to
- Establish any donation incentives or goals, preferably set by runners once this is finalized
- If given a choice of charity, runners can endorse any charity they wish if they have a preference
Some viewers had talked about this topic last year, and we believe that pooling any money towards a good cause is the best way to represent our community. If you have ideas for charities, please list them below!
That's about it! Please use this thread to ask any questions, or to suggest any events, charities, or anything else! This thread, as stated, will be the main "hub" of information pertaining to anything FGM 2016.
Let's make fangames great again.
TJ & Klazen