(I'm a bit in a rush, so I hope there's nothing wrong with the game X|)
Finally back! sorry for the long-short update, getting the resources from a huge game is a bit difficult, and I need to re-do all things because I'm now using new Engine.
k, so now let's just see the list...
New Changes:
- Using new engine, The Nikaple Engine
- External SFX Loader
- Harder to savehack
- New Death Effects, inspirated from Hyperdimension Neptunia Series
- Added Starbound Nexus
- Work-in-progress Terraria Nexus
- Fixed the 'Persistent' room in Floor 1 (the one after staircase room)
- Fixed the coordinate system on Andesite puzzles
- Changed a LOT the layout of the game
- Fixed the opening problems (?)
- New achievement looks
- And many things that come from Nikaple Engine (slopes, BGM Volume, etc..)
- A bit improvement to information files
Because the game just changed engine, THE SAVEFILES FROM THE OLD VERSION WONT WORK. So you need to re-do all over, well that's not really bad.
I don't recommend any of you to take the portal to the Second Nexus yet (the middle portal in the portal room), because things in there still a bit of a mess
That's all for now, hope you enjoyed this update

*Edited the OP