Author Topic: Influx of Twitch Bots  (Read 1471 times)


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Influx of Twitch Bots
« on: September 30, 2015, 11:24:28 AM »
Hey everyone,

If you're a broadcaster or viewer on Twitch, I'm sure you've noticed by now the large influx of bots that have been spamming every channel non-stop. Until Twitch can figure out a solution (aka update their facka-you-bic-boi database), I'd recommend putting these words into your 'banned words' list:

This list will hopefully knock out any links in your chat before anyone could click them. The only word I'd recommend taking out of this list is, as this is a short URL that circulates primarily in the speedrunning community and nowhere else. This list is not mine, it is a list that someone else had created (and still updates) to help ease the bot spam.

Regarding the * at the beginning/end of each domain name: These asterisks (*) are wildcard characters, which is basically a fill-in-the-blank spot for your ban filter for any character before/after the domain name. This helps against bots that add in a letter before/after the domain name to try to evade the ban filter.

This is not to say that this list will solve all of your problems, but it's a nice barrier to put up to block nasty links, and it gives you time to ban the bot without worry.

I hope this helps!


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Re: Influx of Twitch Bots
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2015, 11:51:34 AM »
thanks alot  :tenKapple: