Welcome to my complete forum revamp, I've been working a hard 3 months as a secret project I dubbed 'Neptune', to bring this to you guys, and it's finally here.
Now only 90% of the features I've been trying to implement actually work, so bare with me when I do the last 10% eventually. Now on to the features of this update.
A Fresh Clean LookGave the forum a HTML5 flat redesign so it looks better and modernized, granted I took some images from other games or message boards, but it still fits, and I like how it works together.
New Customization ProfileYou can view your new profile here:
https://www.iwannacommunity.com/forum/index.php?action=profile. Created with freedom in mind, you can 'almost' put anything you want there, granted some of it is disabled (or will give you an error when you try to save it), to prevent security issues. I will look in further to what freedoms I can grant later on with this.
Identification SystemCurrently this has no uses, but your profile will become your ID for various other things once I implement the API system.
Buddy SystemKnow someone on the forum? Want to friend them for easier contact on the forum? Go ahead, now there is more support than ever for doing such things, and even more support for adding your friends in the future.
Honestly, there is probably a lot more I made, but for the sake of keeping this short, I'll stop it there. I will write a blog post later to go in more detail about these features. I also have 3 other secret projects related to the growing of the community so stay tuned!
Hope you guys enjoy this update!