Fangames > Engines

I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition

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Have you tried updating to the most recent version of GM Studio? What version do you have? These errors are strange. Updating is the only thing I can think of

Just put up another minor update that refixes the save memory leak issues and changes the lite version to be the same thing as the regular engine but with less resources (the old lite version with only core features is still downloadable from the GitHub link in the op).

EDIT: Moving this to the GMS2 Engine thread


--- Quote from: StuffandThings on June 04, 2017, 02:47:59 PM ---One small thing I noticed:
(click to show/hide)
--- Code: ---draw_text(x+i*xSeperation+10,y+70,string_hash_to_newline("Deaths: "+string(death[i])));
--- End code ---

This results in a crash when starting the game. "death" should be "deaths" for global.deaths

--- End quote ---
I'm not sure I understand the issue, can you post the error message when it crashes? The global death count variable is called "global.death" and that specific object stores the loaded death values as a "death[]" array.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. This is with the GMS2 engine v0.9

The error comes from objDifficultyMenu, in the Draw event (approx. line 11). This is the original line of code:

--- Code: ---############################################################################################
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object objDifficultyMenu:

trying to index a variable which is not an array
 at gml_Object_objDifficultyMenu_Draw_0 (line 11) -     draw_text(x+i*xSeperation+10,y+70,string_hash_to_newline("Deaths: "+string(death[i])));

--- End code ---

It was fixed when adding "s". In scrInitGlobals, it's initialized as "global.deaths = 0;" Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing, I don't see an array.

EDIT: Oh wait I think I found it. In the Create event it also says deaths:

--- Code: ---// Save map didn't load correctly, set variables to the defaults
            deaths[i] = 0;
            time[i] = 0;
            difficulty[i] = 0;
            boss[i] = array_create(BOSS_ITEM_TOTAL,false);
            clear[i] = false;

--- End code ---

The problem might be that I was initially using the IWBTSE for GMS1.4, and I was transferring stuff from the new engine into my project. I might have not copied something correctly.


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