Thanks for the feedback

Now that you mention it I do see how the 4th screen is unfair, will nerf that.
The drop gate has been removed and saves are now S saves (I don't want save screwing)
I really like screen 7's design, but I will remodel 8.
The 4th room save has stayed where it was, as the dropgate is gone
About the coke cans, I vaguely remember fixing that glitch, but upon replaying it happens again will try to fix before next version
Idk what I am going to do with the GUI, but I'll probally move it to the top right
EDIT: I have a basic idea, so no more annoying engine GUIBoss Intro will be skippable and I'll add arrows on the window sill at the start of the fight
And Derf, the mushrooms are posionous, not sharp