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Collective Thread for forums errors / improvements

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Please fix it Star  :BibleThump:

Reply Code: Alpha:
I just figured the forums should be darker or there should be an option to have everything be black with white font like the 4chan Tomorrow visual style, I really like that one because standard is just too mainstream and too bright, it is hurting my eyes. ;C

Also @ Paragus, you should rename your thread on IWBTF into something like "abandon IWBTF, migrate to FC" or "the better forums" or "the forums mods don't want you to know about". Well, maybe something less aggressive. Just make it so lurkers can actually see that the thread will provide a link to another board!

This may just have something to do with the server you guys are on, and therefore may be out of your control, (Hell, it may just be my internet connection), but oftentimes I find myself getting hit with a 503 or 500 error.

I've never gotten a 500 error, but I almost always get a 503.

I really don't know why so many forums have a "Sent Messages" tab that never works properly.
If I send a message, I want to be able to read it again when I get a response.



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