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Collective Thread for forums errors / improvements
--- Quote from: Ario147 on June 22, 2013, 10:32:45 AM ---I think forum would look better in darker colours.
--- End quote ---
Nuff said
When viewing other peoples profiles, ive noticed two things: it displyes their current location twice and instead of a colon, there is a parenthesis for the next posting level status
I'm going to point this out, this thread is to point out errors in the forum, if you have a suggestion, I recommend making creating its own thread for the suggestion. Sticked Thread.
this is what i mean:
--- Quote ---Username: _
Personal Text: _
Karma: _
Gender: _
Age: _
Location: _
Next Posting Level) _
Location: _
--- End quote ---
Also, I will keep that in mind, Starz0r
EDIT: Found another. If this is intentional, forget about it.
--- Quote --- New Posts No New Posts
--- End quote ---
The old and new post thing is still in the wrong order. Managed to fix the location showing up twice. :IceFairy:
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