Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete

I Wanna Be The 213

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At the top of the climbing section minecraft world thing, if I hold down shift when I enter the portal, I will immediately die to the top of the screen when I change room.
Please fix.

Version 0.8.2 :
-Completed Stage E1,E2,E3,E4, And E5
-Better Area Sign, Now with sound!
-Completed Another Avoidance Zone, and New Boss Zone (Shootable boss)
-New Achivement Systems
-Better Border Warping, so you wont died by ceiling (the left and right border will still kill you tho, I'll change it next time!)

Updated The Download Link

No. I'm not dead yet

Ver. :
-Work-In-Progress Moge-Ko Boss
-Nerfing Some Monogatari Attack. Also Realtime And Wadanohara
-Fix Some Triggers And Border
-Better Stage Clear
-New Loading Title
-Duh Spoilers
-Better Achivement Systems
-New Item Systems!
-Fix Moar Bugs
-More Better Border Warping
-New Opening Background (Not A Grid Anymore)
-Moar Completed Stages

Updated Teh Download Link

Please get rid of the blinking on the title screen, it is seizure inducing.
Also, nothing kills me. Did you forget to disable god mode?

Isn't Freecell Area is a bland ripoff of HAEGOE's Area from SZ2?
(click to show/hide)HAEGOE's:
(click to show/hide)


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