Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete

I Wanna Be The 213

<< < (4/6) > >>

More updates!

-Completed Stage 6
-Completed Stage 5
-Completed Stage 4
-Completed Stage 3
-Work-In-Progress Second Boss (spoiler : its a 5 minutes fight)
-Completed Second Boss (or First boss if you didn't count the unused one) and sorry #Grid
-More better death

Download Updated

(click to show/hide)hint hint
(click to show/hide)

This will help you,maybe..

Chase Zone with tis music:
(click to show/hide)Why the tis music in the first place?

You can do this skip. I don't know if it was intentional but I thought I should mention it.

Unoriginal Animation
the background is blood red and is eye cancer. animate it with something like a nether background. please change it

the title card isn't anchored to top right
this feels way too long

okay is this jump possible?

ill just edit this the further I progress

Oh wow I just missed many things, I noticed them when testing it but forget to change it XD
I'll fix them immediately

So I just fix it and :
-Fixed the impossible jumps
-Fixed the Hexa Diagonal blocks and teleport
-Fixed the missing blocks
-Changed the Escape Zone music
-Better title cards (?)
-Re-doing second boss (it's done, but I need to do all from start again >_<)

And updated the Download Link

k, big update :
-Completed Stage E0
-Completed Stage 7
-Completed Stage 8
-Completed Avoidance Zone 3
-Completed Avoidance Zone 2
-Completed Escape Zone 2
-Changing The Stage 4
-More Better Death
-Bug Fixing

Updated the download link

I know, so many people annoyed by the Stage 4 puzzle XD, so I decided to change it


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