Nice to meet you! I'm CakeSauc3, a former competitive gamer who recently fell in love with a game called Wings of Vi (by Solgryn) which taught me that platforming games, when made difficult, are fun.
After completing Vi and speedrunning it I met Boshy,and from Boshy I was introduced to I Wanna fangames. And wow, I'm so mad I just discovered this community, cause the people have been super chill and the games have been amazing! I'm just starting out as a fangamer and have a lot to learn, but I'm having a blast.
Even though I'm just starting out, my current goal is to play through the entire K2 Savage Mountain Challenge. I've been watching players like YoYo, Denferok and CosmicSense play these games and I want to dive on in, learn the games and maybe later make a game of my own.
Nice to meet you all, hope to see you around! (And sorry in advance for all the noob questions I'll surely bombard you with
