Updated the character and weapon switcher to be more efficient and allow for more options.Changed platforms on screen 6 to be more manageable.
Fixed hovering glitch that would prevent you from hovering again after getting a mid-air hover potion and having to wait until you stopped hovering.
Added level select and ending sequence.
Added toggle for debug info (CTRL + D)
Added world designed around hovering and inspired by a certain game.
Added final boss rooms with placeholder bosses from Gaming. Try them at your own risk.
Forgot to add EpicBag0Chips to the credits. Wait for next release.
Removed RTF readme because updating both will be a pain.
Fixed a bug that lets you keep speed-10 potion in tricky treasure 3.
Did not touch the forest area at all other than that. (where's the feedback guys

Tricky Treasures will no longer play music if CTRL-M is enabled.
Added MegaMan/WingsOfVi water.
Added 3 new weapons and updated weapon 4 to be more awesome.
Had to nerf weapon 7 for being overpowered.
Changed credits music.
Fixed Shantae's aligning for better sight of her hitbox (which is the same as every other character but harder to see).
Fixed buttons showing in window caption and possibly even the temp file glitch (doesn't delete upon exit resulting in the game starting you at where you last saved without even showing the title screen upon startup.)
Using synchronization to avoid tearing. Tell me if it causes shart-garbo.
Added buttons and hitboxes to click for more information on some items.
Added a click-my-logo-to-go-to-my-site.