These actions mainly will go on step event, (no need to be on alarms because the actions have implied a
timer inside), you will need to make a new object to make these actions occur and deleted the object when you want it to stop.
-Spiral : this will make a spiral on the x,y coordinates of the actual object, it needs an '
object' for the bullets, an '
angle speed' the angle that the spiral will do every '
timer' reached, a '
timer' this will be the cycle in which the spiral will shoot a new bullet (example: if you put '5' as timer, the spiral will shoot a bullet every 5 frames), a '
speed' per frame for every bullet created and a '
start direction' this is the direction that the first bullet of the spiral will have.
-Random Spam : this will make a random spam on the x,y, coordinates of the actual object, this is very common in avoidances

, it needs an '
object', a '
timer' (same as above), a '
min direction' and '
max direction' these are the direction limits of the spam (example : if you put '180' and '360' the spam will be shoot down)and a '
min speed' and '
max speed' these are the speed limits of the spam (if you put '0' as min speed there could be bullets that dont move because speed is too low).
-Line : this will make a line directed to an object on the x,y coordinates of the actual object, it needs an '
object', a '
timer' (same as above), a '
speed' per frame and another '
object' where the bullets are aimed. (you will see this very often in avoidances xD)
-Rain : this will make a rain of bullets, this means that many bullets will be on the top of the screen at random x-positions and will fall with random speed (i call this rains), it needs an '
object', a '
timer', a '
min x' and '
max x' these are the range of the rain (example: if you put '400' and '800' the rain will be only on the right side of the screen) and a '
min speed' and '
max speed' (same as above).
-Spin Bullets : this is a powerful action, this wont create any bullets, this only will make bullets of the kind '
object' in the room, rotate around the actual object that perform this action with a spin speed of 'angle speed'. (example: first you create a circle explosion with object 'apple1' in the center of the screen, then after 2 seconds you create another object say 'spin_apple1' in the center of the screen which contains the action for spin objects 'apple1' with angle speed 3, this will cause that the circle will rotate around the center after 2 second of be created, (NOTE: is recommended to set the speed of the bullets to 0 when you will use this action))