Author Topic: Zero's & Sunbla's List of Recommended Fangames  (Read 2049 times)


  • Cherry Eater
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Zero's & Sunbla's List of Recommended Fangames
« on: January 22, 2015, 05:56:33 PM »
This is our list of fangames that we would recommend to newer players and to more advanced players.
The list can be found here
We will always try to update it and keep improving it!
Hope it maybe helps some people. Feedback and suggestions are of course appreciated


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Re: Zero's & Sunbla's List of Recommended Fangames
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2015, 06:35:07 PM »
- Suggestions:
-- Change:
50 map: I wouldn't recommend it for beginners. Floor 47 seems impossible to many at first sight (You must have perfect control of your jumps, because if you lose one second, you die) and even when you know how to get past it, it's still not an easy task. Although it's easier than most of the Advanced games (Exception for Rose Gear, and maybe other games that I don't know), I would say that the Advanced list seems like a better option.

-- Games to add:
Crimson Needle - Others/Too Hard: Pretty good somewhat-medley-game (It doesn't take the rooms themselves, but you can see what game is being referenced in each room design, so I call it that way. Good examples are the Floors 16-18 (Catharsis - Crazy spike placement, black tileset, sad background, slow music), or Floors 19-21 (3200 min - Crazy platform placement, long jumps, plenty of cherries and spikes)). Would reccomend to any masochist  :Kappa:
Novelty 2 - Beginner: Easier than the first one, and nearly as good.
Play the Catastrophe - Advanced: Probably the only avoidance I'll ever recommend.
Catharsis (Medium) - Advanced: Might be one of the best needle games ever made.
Qoqoqo - Advanced: If you are accepting 100-floor games as suggestions  :atkHappy:
Kamilia 1 - Beginner: I don't know why no one does like this game...Will probably be rejected, but it's never bad to try.
Boom the Yukorin - Advanced: Another lovely needle game.

Good luck with the list  :atkHappy:


  • Spike Dodger
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Re: Zero's & Sunbla's List of Recommended Fangames
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2015, 08:10:25 AM »
Good list.