Fangames > User-Made Creations

I wanna be the Neurosis

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This game is finished and will be going up on the wiki within a day or two in its current state. It has been fully tested but I'm posting it here first hoping any bugs that might have slipped by will be found.

If you played it in September, there is much more content and the shittier areas have been removed or modified. If you played it within the last week, only the end is new but you must start a new run to see all of it.

A couple of notes:
-Saves can be shot offscreen. That's intentional.
-Sometimes other screens will flash when you hit reset. Because of the way I built certain areas, I don't know if this is possible to fix. Nevermind, this has been fixed. Thanks Sudnep!

Thank you to everyone who helped and tested.



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--- Quote from: dopaminecowboy on March 20, 2015, 05:53:50 AM ---
-Sometimes other screens will flash when you hit reset. Because of the way I built certain areas, I don't know if this is possible to fix.

--- End quote ---

It probably has something to do with the camera object if your using one. Should make it so the code inside of it plays at Room Start so it aligns properly right away before waiting for the first step to play.

That or just add some short duration black screen fade out effect which covers it as a fix.


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