As someone who played through this, and really enjoyed your last game (to my knowledge that you made), Octophobia, I was quite excited to play this, and really wished it was a great game.
It was a pretty good game, until I got to areas 4-8, where the diffculty has a major spike in some of the screens.
Area 9 and 10 were nicely challenging, and I had a lot of fun doing to platforming in the two areas, but it felt that area 10 was a lot eaiser than area 9 in the terms of platforming.
I beat the whole game within about 4 1/2 hours, and got all the secrets. The secrets were nicely hidden, even though you could kinda tell where they were since they had a pattern of where they were hidden.
Overall, I enjoyed this game quite nicely, and I am excited to do 10+, and I hope it makes area 10 harder
I give this game a 8/10

(Also, sorry for long paragraph

EDIT: I would also like to see a warp room added in, so we can easily go to area's we want to re-play, or bosses to re-fight.