Today, while I was looking for a way of how to patch IWBTG fangames which are not compatible with Windows 8, I discovered Game Maker Studio and its feature to export games in HTML5 format.
And I asked myself: "What if we could do this with IWBTG Fangames? What if we could play them without downloading anything?".
A few minutes later I downloaded GMS and the yuutuu engine, but I couldn't export the game, so I downloaded the engine for GMS and exported the engine without touching anything in HTML5 format. Then I followed this guide step by step.
And I uploaded the game here: you can see it doesn't work and I don't know why. FileZilla seems to work perfectly. All files were uploaded correctly and the server is on (I haven't closed FileZilla yet) but it doesn't work.

Please, help me or try to find a way that works D: I think this could be really helpful because we wouldn't have to download this games and we would avoid cheaters (I think xD)