Author Topic: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5  (Read 13253 times)


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I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« on: May 28, 2014, 02:32:38 AM »
Hey Guys,

This is my entry for YoSniper's Fangame Contest titled... I Wanna Restore the Balance

The name of the game is a double-entendre: On the one hand, your goal is to bring balance back to the world by finding the elements and restoring them to the elemental tree or whatever. But the real idea behind the game comes from my experience with the fangame community - a lot of the really nice, polished games are too hard for a beginner like me to play! I wanted to provide a good game for beginners to sink their teeth into, and this is the result of that.

My inspiration for the game is I Wanna See the Moon - an open-world, Metroidvania-esque style game. You'll visit 5 unique stages (only two in the beta :BibleThump: ). In each beautiful stage, you'll enjoy about fifteen screens of platforming, each punctuated by an epic boss! Each boss is guarding one of the elemental crystals, which will relinquish its power to you once you restore it. The power of the crystals give the kid new abilities, for instance...
(click to show/hide)
You'll be able to use these powers to progress to new areas within the game, and also come back to old stages later and explore new, secret areas!

Below are a couple of screenshots, just to pique your interest!

Swingin' like Tarzan
(click to show/hide)

What's this button do?
(click to show/hide)

If this sounds like something you're interested in, I welcome you to try it out! You can download it here: I Wanna Restore the Balance Version 0.5

Thanks for reading  :paraLamp:


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Re: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2014, 10:32:45 AM »

My inspiration for the game is I Wanna See the Moon - an open-world, Metroidvania-esque style game. You'll visit 5 unique stages (only two in the beta :BibleThump: ). In each beautiful stage, you'll enjoy about fifteen screens of platforming, each punctuated by an epic boss!

Sounds like something out of a commercial, lol. Great game, so far!


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Re: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2014, 05:11:21 PM »
This looks really nice. I'm definitely going to give this a go when I get some time.  :atkHappy:


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Re: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2014, 07:12:24 AM »
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« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 07:35:41 AM by ShutUpNerd »


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Re: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2014, 09:00:58 AM »
I tried it right after it's not mediafire download(stupid *1 hour long beep of censorship* ads with spywares that overrieds the adblock there)

(click to show/hide)

So far, so good. Has some tricky segments (including where I am), but graphics and such is amazing.
It looks like a forest in a fantasy world.

There was one specific spot I liked :
(click to show/hide)

There is something I need to know : is it intentional that I fell down and was away from the screen, and I didn't die?

a.k.a. tasteisgone
pronounciaton of HAEGOE is HAEGWE, not HAEGO.



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Re: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2014, 12:34:51 PM »
dem credits :Kreygasm:

awesome game so far, definitely interested to see how the full game turns out to be

There seems to be some bug with screen transaction, if you move towards the corner of the screen that has two different screen transactions some funky stuff starts to happen


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Re: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2014, 07:26:47 PM »
Haegoe: that part is a little tricky, but I'll give you a hint:
(click to show/hide)

vlhx: yeah, if you take a screen transition right on the corner you can get warped to some weird spots. I intend to fix it, but I'll have to redo all my room transitions (thx based Lemon for the help), so for now just don't go to the corners :Kappa:

Thanks for the feedback guys, I hope you enjoy!  :atkHappy:

LoLGamer CCC

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Re: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2014, 02:42:08 AM »
So 3 of 19 fangames are shown in public.I'm one of the judges and I must say this was far better than the other 2 published fangames.
Working on my new project:I Wanna Be The Donald 3!


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Re: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2014, 04:36:17 AM »
So far I've usually been checking in at the other forum, but never saw this one there, so since I was trying out ones from the contest, thought I'd give this one a go. I played it on hard and actually had a lot of fun with it.

Love the idea of the triple jump being water specific so you don't have to worry as much about it being a game breaking power, and there was a nice amount of areas where the dash was either required or just made things easier. And you placed enough tutorials everywhere I never found myself raging from not knowing what to do.

One thing I've noticed with some fangames that have a vast number of screens to them is that they feel empty in some ways and incomplete, never got that feeling from this game. It was vast yet never felt like there were pointless paths leading to nowhere, I feel like I'd love to go exploring in this world especially once it's finished.

Anyway, there's not much for me to say in terms of what to improve on, the only thing I can think of is that with that eyeball boss (my gosh, that's got to be at Kirby's Zero 1 level of disturbing) I never really felt that there was any need to shoot those switches, it just seemed simpler for me to just ignore them, and deal with as the spikes were originally, but maybe that's just my way of doing it and others found it easier to switch the spikes when necessary.

Well, best of luck with the contest, of the ones I've tried I think you've got a very nice shot at winning with this one.


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Re: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2014, 06:46:59 PM »
Just finished the alpha (I think, just beat the triple jump boss and made it back to the water). Really enjoying this game, can't wait for a finished version.
The use of the dash gimmick is well executed, There isn't much use of the triple jump yet, but I can see it being used to great effect with the 'recharging' of the jump.
Graphics are stunning.
The water section with currents seems a bit jerky and temperamental, and I think the currents could look better. The whole game has a nice sheen over it, and these currents look cheap.

Great game. carry on!
EDIT: Ok definitely at the end now. Got back to the start screen/credits. Clever rout back. I love the open level design.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 07:36:21 PM by bleedingears »


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Re: I Wanna Restore the Balance v0.5
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2014, 08:07:59 PM »
Thanks for the comments guys :atkHappy:

My favorite thing about getting feedback on my game is hearing that people have different strategies for everything. I like giving you the freedom to make choices; do you want to try the risky, but quick way, or perhaps slow down a bit to catch your breath and stay safe? Especially when I hear people doing things I never anticipated - but that could just be because I love watching speedruns and seeing all the speedrun strats :P

There are a few unpolished things still in the game - like you mention, the currents area doesn't control as well as I'd like. There are also some glitches related to screen transitions which I need to iron out, and some segments are really tricky to get through and not really in line with the difficulty curve up to this point. For instance, the point where you swing on a vine and have to dodge two falling spikes from the ceiling - apparently the timing isn't as obvious as I thought!

But yeah, I'm about to finish my current fangame project (shameless I Wanna Get Rekt promotion), and when that's out the door, I'll be returning to development on this guy. Since I won't be making two games simultaneously this time, I should be able to get plenty of new content out, and hopefully "Restore the Balance" of good fangames :kappaDisco: