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Topics - SGTWaffle12312

Pages: [1]
Tools & Software / Need help porting
« on: November 26, 2016, 06:13:38 PM »
So as you all know the majority of fangames are on windows.Not everyone has windows,so if you want your game to be avalible on all major os's just email me the gmx/gmz file.So to get this out of the way "couldnt you just take the game and post it and say you made it".Yes i could which is why if it makes you feel better doing this use a game that you already published under your name."How would you credit me",After reciving the gmx or gmz file and after i port it i send you the ported file back and you would publish it so nobody would get confused who made the game."why not decompile and publish and give them credit".First i dont know how,Second decompiling can cause bugs and stuff and it would be less stable.

Have any questions feel free to ask.


Meet and Greet! / Im posting this so i dont get deleted
« on: November 26, 2016, 06:12:04 PM »
Hi i like to be straight forward and such have a nice day

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