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Topics - 3-headed monkey

Pages: [1]
Gameplay & Discussion / I Wanna Design Maker levels
« on: March 07, 2017, 05:24:58 PM »
I made a text file with all the user-made levels so far for this game, taken from the Twitter thread httpss://, hopefully will save people some time downloading. Thanks


Game Design / Automatic R to Restart?
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:54:32 PM »
Sorry if this has been asked before, but would it be possible for some clever person to write a script to press 'R' automatically? Or has it already been done? Thanks

Gameplay & Discussion / Some needle/platforming questions
« on: October 16, 2015, 06:46:16 PM »
Would appreciate any answers to these questions:

1. Does using a save point save your align, so you always have the same align when you restart?

2. If you are facing left, does it affect your jump if you jump right, ie. does the change of direction have any affect on the jump?

3. I hear people talking about 1-frame jumps, could someone explain what is meant by this, does it involve jump-cancel or is it a regular jump?  How many frames is the standard gate jump and how many is a full jump?


Meet and Greet! / Hi Everyone
« on: October 13, 2015, 01:41:11 PM »
Hello, I am 3-headed monkey, as you can probably tell from the thread title.

It took a week of trying to register successfully, so good to see the spirit of trolling is alive and well in the IWBTG community :)

I got into fangames a month or so ago and so have taken the opportunity to use the excuse to buy a beautiful new £60 gaming keyboard. I'm particularly enjoying the needle games and have some strat questions which I guess I'll post in the gameplay section.

I've also read all the stuff I can find here and special thanks to:

Zurai for the strat guide (,

thebmxbandit for the align guide (

and Kinata for the Pixel Techniques videos (httpss://, all very useful, nice one.


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