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Messages - Valkama

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Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Why do you like these kinda games.
« on: April 13, 2015, 02:19:09 AM »
Thanks for the answers guys. I'm fairly certain I understand why these games are enjoyed by those here now and it makes perfect sense to my now why I can't stand these games in the slightest so see you later IWannaCommunity for now and probably forever. (Except for the select few of you I see on other parts of the interwebs)

P.S. Btw when I said small I meant relative to more mainstream communities like RPG gamers and FPS gamers.

P.P.S. Btw when I said research it was more of personal research, sorry for the confusion if that mattered to you at all.

P.P.P.S Your captcha's suck for those of us who feel the need to arrange every image completely perfectly.

Gameplay & Discussion / Re: Why do you like these kinda games.
« on: April 12, 2015, 06:48:56 PM »
First, thanks for your response. Second, I don't really hate on these kind of games any more I just ignore them as I don't believe they are fun and have a flawed gameplay structure. I'm more just doing a bit of research as to why people like certain types of gameplay structures. Third, if I could ask you some follow up questions:

How do you feel about RPG's? Specifically RPG's with powerful monsters that if you grind up your characters you can overcome them in order to achieve victory? Do you feel grinding is fine so long as there is a payoff in the end?

How about sandbox games like Minecraft or Terraria where you spend time collecting resources in order to create something?

Lastly would you prefer a game with many quick little payoffs for doing little monotonous tasks or one slow big payoff for doing a single large monotonous task?

Gameplay & Discussion / Why do you like these kinda games.
« on: April 12, 2015, 02:54:12 PM »
Hello I am Valkama or if any of you were around 5 or so years ago I was known as Anonymous52555.

For those who don't know me I was a rather infamous individual over at I wanna be the forums for a few years for being the guy to absolutely bash on every fangame that ever was displayed on the site for being poorly designed (This may or may not have been one of the factors that led Starz0r to found this site). However a few months back I got into an argument with some people from this site that came over to I wanna be the forums and I argued that these types of games were flawed in design from the start.

That being said I know that this is a small community that enjoys these types of games and while I could just throw it under the "Hardcore gamer+candy crush" mentality I am curious as to why you guys personally see  these games as enjoyable.

So my questions to you guys are:
1. What do you find enjoyable about these kinda games.(needle and trap based)
2. What do you dislike about these kinda games.(What would you change about them)
3. Do you also enjoy more popularized similar games like Super meat boy and they bleed pixels.
4. Say a Shmup was designed to be very precision based(Bullet hell) and you played each section in short spurts and every time you failed you would redo the section and infinite number of times. Would you enjoy this game.(More or less I'm asking if the trial and error idea was applied to other genres that aren't platformers).
5. Can the apple be dodged?

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