User-Made Creations / I Wanna Be The Shadow Kid Version S4D
« on: September 05, 2013, 06:42:30 PM »
Creators: Ario147 and Jakoo56
Alpha Game 
4 Stages of pure fun
To report any bugs please contact at Jakoo050@gmail.com!
Thanks to any streamers on twitch helping by testing/ playing the game!
such as : paragusrants, sunbla, zurai, Stinkycheeseone890 and sandbox! if i forget any reply here
There is no trap (for now
) there will be added soon!
ps. yes ario i made the 4th stage!
link : https://www.mediafire.com/download/fjgp16d433kngjb/IWannaBeTheShadowKidS4D.exe
edit: i fixed the name of Stinkycheeseone890... not stinkey
Sprites used in this game are not ours! These were rip of games all the credits go for the makers of the games used as sprite!

4 Stages of pure fun

To report any bugs please contact at Jakoo050@gmail.com!
Thanks to any streamers on twitch helping by testing/ playing the game!
such as : paragusrants, sunbla, zurai, Stinkycheeseone890 and sandbox! if i forget any reply here

There is no trap (for now

ps. yes ario i made the 4th stage!

link : https://www.mediafire.com/download/fjgp16d433kngjb/IWannaBeTheShadowKidS4D.exe
edit: i fixed the name of Stinkycheeseone890... not stinkey

Sprites used in this game are not ours! These were rip of games all the credits go for the makers of the games used as sprite!