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Messages - StuffandThings

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Engines / Re: I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
« on: June 04, 2017, 08:47:29 PM »
Sorry, I should have been more clear. This is with the GMS2 engine v0.9

The error comes from objDifficultyMenu, in the Draw event (approx. line 11). This is the original line of code:

Code: [Select]
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object objDifficultyMenu:

trying to index a variable which is not an array
 at gml_Object_objDifficultyMenu_Draw_0 (line 11) -     draw_text(x+i*xSeperation+10,y+70,string_hash_to_newline("Deaths: "+string(death[i])));

It was fixed when adding "s". In scrInitGlobals, it's initialized as "global.deaths = 0;" Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing, I don't see an array.

EDIT: Oh wait I think I found it. In the Create event it also says deaths:
Code: [Select]
// Save map didn't load correctly, set variables to the defaults
            deaths[i] = 0;
            time[i] = 0;
            difficulty[i] = 0;
            boss[i] = array_create(BOSS_ITEM_TOTAL,false);
            clear[i] = false;

The problem might be that I was initially using the IWBTSE for GMS1.4, and I was transferring stuff from the new engine into my project. I might have not copied something correctly.

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
« on: June 04, 2017, 02:47:59 PM »
EDIT: Moving this to the GMS2 Engine thread

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
« on: October 11, 2016, 02:46:02 PM »
Another thing I noticed is that when "game over" shows up on screen, it isn't centered. It appeared much lower on the screen and got cut off at the edge screen so I had to adjust that. Not sure if anyone else had that problem.

User-Made Creations / Re: 10... [Please Look]
« on: September 28, 2016, 02:47:23 PM »
Has anybody made a final stable version of IWBTG? I've been wondering what the status of that is. This would be a good time to finish it.

User-Made Creations / Re: I wanna be the guy remake
« on: September 20, 2016, 03:25:02 PM »
Not sure how much I can do with it, but I'll take a look.

Unfinished / Incomplete / Re: I Wanna Be The Mash-Up (Demo)
« on: September 12, 2016, 03:05:45 PM »
Well, thanks for at least giving it to me straight. I was aware of these potential problems, but I just wasn't sure how others would perceive it. I'll be working on making those changes.

And, yes, that crash was the fix I mentioned. So that's been taken care of, at least.

Aside from all that, did you have any problems with the physics/controls?

Programming Questions / Re: Object Wobble Effect
« on: September 11, 2016, 12:25:30 AM »
wow...I was making that way more complicated than necessary haha. Thanks!

Programming Questions / Object Wobble Effect
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:23:10 PM »
I tried out Klazen's 'wobble' code:
(click to show/hide)

but I want to use it in a slightly different way. I'm trying to figure out how to set it up so that you place an instance in the room, and edit the creation code to have the same effect. It seems that this way, any instance you place will have the same properties and the wobbles will be in-sync. But what if I wanted to control each instance, and make them all wobble differently (instead of making more objects)?

I tried to setup some variables to call from the creation code but I keep getting an error saying "objWobble.(variable) not set before reading it."  I tried something along the lines of this:
(click to show/hide)

I know the variables have to be initialized first, but even when I did get GM to accept the code, there was no wobble. How would I set this up?

Unfinished / Incomplete / I Wanna Be The Mash-Up (Demo)
« on: September 08, 2016, 10:19:18 AM »
This is the first part of a fangame I'm working on, now with the I Wanna Be The Studio Engine (YoYoYo Edition). The first version I made of this was coded from scratch, so that didn't work out too well. Now that I'm using this engine, its much better. So hopefully the only real problem now is just the level design.

Please give me any feedback that could improve the game.


EDIT: Fixed a crash on a boss fight, and made a few small environment changes. I will be adding stuff when I get to it.

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
« on: September 06, 2016, 01:32:19 PM »
I noticed that the jumping seemed a little slow (at least compared to IWBTG), so I tweaked the jumpspeed and gravity  a bit.

The standard fangame physics are much different than the original IWBTG, and for the better. People in the community are used to these physics, and 99% of the time when they're changed people dislike the game (notable exceptions: Take the Time Machine 2 and Justice Guy). Fangames are the new physics standard, not IWBTG anymore. So, you're strongly advised not to change the physics unless you really know what you're doing and know that fangame players skill and taste will transfer over to the new physics.

I only tweaked it a small amount, but it does seem consistent with the fangames I have played. I will be releasing a demo for it, so the community can check it out and see how it feels.

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
« on: August 26, 2016, 10:01:53 AM »
I'm not sure this will understand, but the physics in this engine feel strange compared to 8.0 and 8.1 engines. So I am wondering if anybody knows why...
(click to show/hide)

edit: I hope this is not a stupid question...

I noticed that the jumping seemed a little slow (at least compared to IWBTG), so I tweaked the jumpspeed and gravity  a bit.

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
« on: August 10, 2016, 12:01:54 PM »
Just got directed here by another member. Really curious to try this engine. Going to have to re-do a ton of things, but hopefully this will help.

Edit: Ok so I tried it out a little, and I'm having a problem with my room. I made a new room "rm_start" and put some triggers and stuff in it to test things out and all was going good, until I tried to use the "applesplosion" script. Now, every time I load into rm_start, the menu screen doesn't go away, and everything on screen remains and becomes a huge blur. I removed the script but I'm still getting this error.

User-Made Creations / Re: I Wanna Be The Troll (working title)- Demo
« on: August 10, 2016, 11:25:47 AM »
Thanks, I'll look into that.

User-Made Creations / Re: I Wanna Be The Troll (working title)- Demo
« on: August 10, 2016, 09:16:31 AM »
One question, are you the same guy who put this on steam greenlight?

No. I realized after I put it on that there was already a "I Wanna Be The Troll", so I have to change the title.

StuffandThings, I don't know how old you are or what your experience with game design is, but this game is bad.
No, it's worse than bad. It's a goddamn disaster.

First of all, there is no title screen or anything. I am just thrown right into the game. Okay. Next thing I noticed was the size of the game. Why did you make it so big? Fangames are 800x608. Alright, so far not looking so good. The first screen has guy rock blasting in my ears and I'm looking at some default brown block tiles. I tried jumping and the physics are completely botched. Your double jump is just the same as the single jump and you can even press the jump button after using both jumps and it will still play the jump sound! Plus it feels like the game is sped up more than usual. There's no excuse for physics this bad, especially since it was made in game maker studio. Use an engine please. Oh, and you have restarting music too. Lovely.

So let's talk about your platforming. The first screen is pretty much as bad as you can get for a first impression. It's already hard to make basic jumps because of the wonky physics, but of course what would a fangame be without generic spike and fruit triggers. I almost quit on this screen alone. Past this point I had lost all hope. The next screen appears to be a level select of some sort. I decided to jump down the hole and was greeted by a south park meme before dying. There were no savepoints, so I had to do the first screen again. Good. I made it back to the level select and decided to try the Zelda stage because it was the closest. There's still no save point when you go in the door, you first have to make it up a series of blocks and spikes. The catch however is that the spikes take priority over the blocks, so I died a few times for seemingly no reason. When I made it to the savepoint, there was no animation when I shot it. I pressed R to test the save and when I respawned the song didn't restart, but instead it starting playing another layer of the same song over it. So now not only am I having zero fun from this horrible game but my ears are also bleeding. When I died and pressed R it took me back to the first screen. I had to press R again to respawn back in the zelda stage. Why is this so broken? Anyways, I tried to make it past the next segment but it's way too long. I'm convinced that one save point is the only one in the game.

There's plenty more wrong with this game I didn't mention but I think you get the point. It's a mess and you should feel bad for creating this.

My experience with game design is...0. This is the first thing I've even touched (I think it shows). Keep in mind this is just a demo, not a finished game. I had issues with the main menu not working quite correctly, so I left it out for now while I figure that out. I also mentioned the restart issue on the download page. The game is set to 60fps, 30fps is just plain unplayable.

Im still working out what works and what doesn't, and will continue to improve it as I learn. Kayin learned on IWBTG, too. Why would there be save points so early? It's basically impossible to die on the second screen, unless you deliberately jump onto spikes, or get tricked by the other part (those paths are blocked off because they aren't ready yet.) It wouldn't be so masochistic if it were too easy, right?

I assure you, you can jump on the bushes and not hit the spikes. I've done it probably a thousand times by now, its supposed to be somewhat difficult.

As far as the size, that's the default set by GM, so I just went with that. By the time I realized how much bigger it was, I had already done so much I didn't want to revert back (although it is really starting to cause design problems.) Noted.

That is not the one and only save point, by the way. Anyway, this was mostly an experiment trying to figure out how put things into a game, learn code, set triggers, make bosses, etc. I'm aware of some things like the jumping problem, and the general physics, but as I said I'm still learning and will continue to improve as I go.

Do I dare ask what are the things you didn't mention?

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