Game Design / Having trouble with creating a rope object
« on: December 03, 2016, 02:14:21 PM »
So, I'm trying to make a rope object in YoYoYo's engine, and it's not working. What I want to do is make it so that if the player jumps on the rope, he'll latch on to a side, and be able to climb it up or slide down, or turn to the other side. But what's actually happening is that the rope isn't even latching on to the player. Here's the code (in the player step event):
If anyone could tell me what's happening, it would be great.
Code: [Select]
var onRope = (scrCheckObjectCollisionX(objRope) && notOnBlock);
if (onRope && !onVineR && !onVineL)
var ropeLeft = -(place_meeting(x + 1,y,objRope)) //left side of rope
var ropeRight = (place_meeting(x - 1,y,objRope)) //right side of rope
var ropeSide = ropeLeft + ropeRight //what side of the rope the player is on
vspeed = 0
hspeed = 0
image_speed = 0
sprite_index = sprPlayerSliding
if(scrButtonCheckPressed(global.upButton)) //climb up the rope
vspeed = -1
image_speed = 1/4
if(scrButtonCheckPressed(global.downButton)) //slide down
vspeed = 2
image_speed = 1/2
image_xscale = ropeSide //direction the player is facing
//switch sides
if (ropeSide = 1 && scrButtonCheckPressed(global.leftButton))
x = objRope.x - 2
if (ropeSide = -1 && scrButtonCheckPressed(global.rightButton))
x = objRope.x + 2
//pressed away from the rope
if (ropeSide = 1 && scrButtonCheckPressed(global.rightButton)) || (ropeSide = -1 && scrButtonCheckPressed(global.leftButton))
if (scrButtonCheck(global.jumpButton)) //jumping off rope
if (ropeSide = -1)
hspeed = -15;
hspeed = 15;
vspeed = -9 * global.grav;
sprite_index = sprPlayerJump;
else //moving off rope
if (ropeSide = -1)
hspeed = -3;
hspeed = 3;
sprite_index = sprPlayerFall;
If anyone could tell me what's happening, it would be great.