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Topics - ArtismExpert

Pages: [1]
Programming Questions / 2 Questions
« on: August 13, 2016, 05:09:13 PM »
(If you can answer one but not the other, please answer the one that you can. You don't have to do both, but if you can, please do.)
(Also, I know next to nothing about coding :P if i didn't I wouldn't have these questions. So please write out the code)

The Yuutu engine has a bug where a cancel just does a full jump and I'm already too far into development to just start over. How do I fix it?

The only ways I know how to make the music work is:
 • restarting upon death
 • no death music
I want to have it the way K3 has it, where the death sound still appears but continues upon pressing R. How do I do THAT?

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