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Topics - just_another_Guy

Pages: [1]
Gameplay & Discussion / very hard (?) jump
« on: December 16, 2016, 07:43:16 AM »
How to do last jump? (preferably without jumpcancelling/lowframing)

Gameplay & Discussion / IWBT Agent Secret items
« on: December 03, 2015, 05:28:32 AM »
I was playing Agent and I found a secret item. I translated the readme file and it is mentioned that there are 8 secrets. Anyone know the stages the rest of them are?

Video Discussion / RZ final boss sub 5 minutes
« on: September 21, 2015, 04:48:36 PM »

Video Discussion / Destination Clear!!!
« on: August 12, 2015, 04:22:10 PM »
A boss compilation of all bosses (played on hard mode). Nice dodges during the choke part too (I died 3 times to that phase, including a double KO).

Gameplay & Discussion / Random fangame questions
« on: July 09, 2015, 03:04:19 PM »
1)Some bosses in fangames (e.g. the first boss of GR and the final boss of Beat the Wannabes) resize the window to its original size, which is annoying. What causes this and is there a fix for that?
2)Is there a link for Hope the normal version (already beaten the easy version)?  (If there's none, is someone willing to share it?)
3)I've beaten the avoidance you get for finding all secrets in I wanna be the Salt, and the win screen says "Normal Clear". Is there more to this game or that's it? (don't mind spoilers)

Thanks in advance.

Meet and Greet! / Hello all!
« on: May 08, 2015, 05:33:34 PM »
Finally decided to make a proper introduction, better late than never, I guess. (started being active here since I joined the K2SMC)

I have been fangaming for quite a while, and I first stumbled upon the twitch community via denferok's channel like a year ago (don't even remember how I ended up there, but I don't regret it) and have been lurking the wannabes ever since. I find playing fangames fun and I hope I can get better at them. I sometimes play other games, too, like Isaac or COD.
Lastly, I'm currently attending university. Math department to be exact.

That's it for my introduction. Hoping to have as much fun with these forums as you guys.

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