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Topics - RedCrushedEyes

Pages: [1]
Meet and Greet! / Hi! ( •ᴗ•)/
« on: February 14, 2016, 12:56:39 PM »
Hi, i'm Chris (or just Red).
I'm playing fangames since late 2014 and have recently started actively streaming my k3-playthrough and some other fangames.
my english sucks sometimes but i'm working on it. just wanted to introduce myself here, as i met some awesome people in this community so far and maybe some more with this thread right here.

nice to meet everyone here. c:

Gameplay & Discussion / K3 Vine Glitch
« on: August 16, 2015, 03:29:08 PM »
Hi, i'm currently at the guy-boss in K3 (1.30) and the left vines feel kinda strange and i read somewhere that the vines were glitched in some versions.. but i'm not sure if it's just me missing the jumps or the vines being weird.
Is this glitch fixed in 1.30?
and if not, is there anything i can do about it except getting an older version and start from scratch? it's kinda frustrating.

Gameplay & Discussion / Avoidance improvement
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:48:23 AM »
Hey guys, :atkHappy:

since i had a really hard time with the Scarlet-Avoidance in K3 (took me around 40 tries) i'm asking for some good advices on how to get better at avoidance-parts and reading in general.

also on which area of the screen should i focus? i feel like my eyes are kinda stuck on the kid and thats probably a mistake.

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