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Topics - Panwaffle36

Pages: [1]
Video Discussion / My First Stream, Take 2
« on: February 28, 2015, 07:27:33 PM »
Well, for that last attempt I got blocked by windows firewall, but then I found the "Allow another program" button and I think things will work this this time.
Alright, I am doing my first stream tonight (I think) and it's going to be of Not Another Needle Game. I am new to streaming (as you can see) and there may be some problems I will need to iron out as they appear. Otherwise, feel free to stop by my Twitch channel of the same name as my username here, panwaffle36.
Bye for now!

POSSIBLY IMPORTANT: The stream is right now, by the way.

Computer Café / My first twitch stream
« on: February 27, 2015, 09:13:38 PM »
I posted here to let people know (hopefully this is the right section) that I will be streaming Not Another Needle Game on my twitch channel of the same name as my username here, very soon. Like, in a few minutes soon. I am a complete amateur at streaming, and probably will have a few screwups. For example, you may hear me breathing into the mic. I was a bit to eager to start streaming when I had the chance, so I'll fix any problems as I figure out that they exists. That is all.

Uhh... of course, some problems must be solved in order to stream... Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix the error that OBS is being blocked by some sort of security program when I try to stream?

Meet and Greet! / You see, it's a waffle made with pancake batter!
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:53:37 PM »
Hello! I am Panwaffle36, and I have been playing fangames for years, yet have never been able to stick with one for all that much time. I can at least proudly say that I have beaten two:

I Wanna Get Cultured (Still working on Bifficult mode)
I Wanna Kill the Kamilia 1

as well as quite a few others which are almost finished, or I have made good progress in. It is my goal to join the ranks of the Wannabes, and expand this rather pitiful resume into a list worthy of an excel document. (Believe me, there are a lot of "not quite"s behind those two finished ones.)

Overall, I guess you can say that I am good enough to enjoy playing these games and not get too frustrated. Emphasis on "too."

For now, goodbye, good luck, and try not to get #rekt too much!

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