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Topics - buttholesurfer

Pages: [1]
Gameplay & Discussion / On using controllers instead of keyboards
« on: November 21, 2014, 07:54:01 AM »
After having broke my only playable keyboard and not having enough money for a new one I have downloaded joy2key and am using it with my 360 controller.  However I'm having an extremely hard time acclimating to it.  What are peoples favorite control setups for the game?  I have tried both using the joystick and the triggers for movement and they both seem really weird, I guess I'm just too used to always having one finger over Left and Right.  How do you controller players set it up?

Gameplay & Discussion / I Wanna Be Cultured (savefile please)
« on: July 26, 2014, 09:18:47 PM »
Yo guys!  I'm a scrub who is new to fan games and have been trying my darndest to get cultured and through my struggles I have gotten to the stage rush of I wanna be cultured twice only to once accidentally save my data, and once to get softlocked and become unable to finish the game.  I really want to finish the game but I don't think I have the patience to play through the first five stages another time.  Does anyone have a save file for stage rush (or right after stage rush) that they wouldn't mind sharing?

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