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Messages - Templarfreak

Pages: [1]
Game Design / Vectorman Update
« on: April 23, 2017, 05:44:43 AM »
A while ago I posted a game based off of Vectorman and recently I started working on it again, and I've reached a point where I'd like to show all the changes I've made the past few days.

1. Rudimentary UI. Basically only displaying health. (Later will display countdown timer, weapon, lives, and points)
2. Forced 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio. Change to 4:3 by pressing Ctrl+L and 16:9 by pressing Ctrl+K.
This had to be done so the graphics would scale properly, 1:integer instead of 1:real (which it was always doing before)
2a. The aspect ratio will be saved to config so you only have to change it to what you want once.
3. New camera that I think is smoother and less jittery than before. Optimized for both 4:3 and 16:9 ratios. Tell me if it's still too fast/jittery.
4. Got a cool animated title on the main menu. :D

Currently the biggest problem is that the options menu is non-usable, as it hasn't been optimized for the aspect ratios yet.

Download: httpss://

A couple maths things I'd like to share that I learned while doing this is a couple properties with aspect ratios. For instance, 320 / 16 * 9 = 180, which is the proper height for that specified with. This is true for any number you plug into width.

x mod 16 = y
x - y = suitable width

Both of these rules can apply for 4:3 as well such as x mod 4 or 320 / 4 * 3 =240, proper height for a 4:3 ratio.

EDIT: A few updates.


1. Camera has been zoomed out slightly, which also increased the base resolution slightly. It is now 480x270 for 16:9 and 480x360 for 4:3
2. All menus are now functional, usable, and will scroll through the options. I could theoretically add any number of options to any of these menus now and it will all still be viewable.
3. The aspect ratio option is now in the menu, but the hotkey can still be used at any time.
3a. There is now only one hotkey, Ctrl+L, to swap between the two ratios.

The camera has not yet been optimized for the new view size though is still functional enough.

Also, I should mention the default controls. I don't think the usual IWBTG controls are good, especially for this game (they are weird and tucked away in the corner and use shift??? You'd have to disable sticky key to use those controls properly and will also give people carpel tunnel, shesh)

For keyboard controls, the defaults are:

Up, Down, Left, Right for moving left or right or looking up or down.
D is jump.
A is shoot.
S is duck.

For controllers,
D-Pad Up, Down, Left, and Right for the same.
A/Cross is jump.
X/Square is shoot.
Y/Triangle is duck.
Restart has been moved to Left Bumper.

Game Design / Re: Is this camera too crazy?
« on: June 17, 2016, 03:23:12 PM »
This camera should be a bit better and has a few other changes like 5 directions to aim in and turret locking. Press S to turret lock.


Game Design / Is this camera too crazy?
« on: June 15, 2016, 02:33:59 AM »
This is a work in progress side-scrolling camera for something I'm working on (For now just a personal project but I dunno). I want to know if anybody thinks it bounces around too much or isn't smooth enough. I'm not totally satisfied with it so critical feedback would be appreciated. As the title of the game would suggest I'm trying to make this camera, and a few other mechanics, feel very similar to Vectorman which is an old game on the SEGA Genesis/Megadrive. (Which is why I'm not too satisfied with it because it's not too accurate)

(Credits to YoYoYoDude for the engine)


EDIT: I may have put this in the wrong section. Oops. :v

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
« on: June 12, 2016, 04:52:36 AM »
Do you get the same error if you try to compile the game (for distribution)?

Yep, it still wants me to open a file and gives the same error.

EDIT: I even reinstalled GameMaker, once just uninstalling and the second time a completely fresh install.

EDIT2: If I select my project file, I get some progress. This is the log from that:

(click to show/hide)

The crash dialog for AssetCompiler says Illegal characters in path, but I'm not sure which characters would be that. I've tried making a new folders with no special characters at all and I still get that.
(C:\GameMaker\Projects\\ and C:\GameMaker\Projects\IWBTEngine\)

(click to show/hide)

Sorry I have to pollute this thread with this, but the GameMaker forums are down right now and I have no idea where else I could get help debugging this.

EDIT3: I figured out what the issue was. "/o="C:\\gm_ttt_11167\gm_ttt_77535"" there are two slashes, C:\\. This is because in preferences the Temp Directory was set to C:\. I'm not sure if C:\ is default or not, but I'd have to imagine not since it causes this error, so I must have set it to that.

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
« on: June 11, 2016, 07:47:56 PM »
This is all that is shown in the "Open" dialog:


I think it has something to do with GMS's Asset Compiler because if I do select a file, doesn't matter what file, I get this error box:

Engines / Re: I Wanna Be The Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
« on: June 11, 2016, 06:29:37 PM »
I'm having an issue that's probably related to not knowing how GMS works and not to the engine itself, but I've been trying for like 2 days now to figure this out with no luck. When I try to compile the game, I get a window pop up wanting me to open a file. I have no idea what file it wants me to open, and no tutorials or the manual for setting up GMS say anything about this, so I click cancel. I then get an error box saying "Compile Failed - Please check the Compile window for any additional information" but this is all that's in Compile window:

(click to show/hide)

I've tried Google Searching the issue the best I could but everything is either 3+ years old or completely unrelated to my issue and this is the only place I can think of to ask for help. :<

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