Meet and Greet! / Hey there ^^
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:10:42 PM »
I'm PlasmaNapkin, you might have seen me around in twitch chat.
My history with guygames is not very long, I started about a month ago, and mainly for gamemaking. I'm very much enjoying it though, after my last gaming passion had faded (halo trick jumping) I had not had as much fun as I do now with fangames in about 2 years.
I greatly enjoy talking to the community as well, and so I decided to host an open community teamspeak server. It still needs a couple tweaks, but it's already up and running (thanks to Klazen for being my guinea pig) at iwanna.nitrado.net , so come check it out ^^
See you around
My history with guygames is not very long, I started about a month ago, and mainly for gamemaking. I'm very much enjoying it though, after my last gaming passion had faded (halo trick jumping) I had not had as much fun as I do now with fangames in about 2 years.
I greatly enjoy talking to the community as well, and so I decided to host an open community teamspeak server. It still needs a couple tweaks, but it's already up and running (thanks to Klazen for being my guinea pig) at iwanna.nitrado.net , so come check it out ^^
See you around