Good on ya, Petsson. That save was a bitch for me as well, but the rest of Stage 5 should be smooth sailing.
Speaking of saves that have taken absurd amounts of time but get beaten after a long break and 30 minutes of grinding:
You see that 7.5 hour gameplay? Around 5-6 of that was spent on just ONE FUCKIN' BOSS. Holy Fucking Jesus, it may be easymode, but goddern Red Miku was messing me up something fierce. But after months of playing other avoidances and
actually watching the patterns, I get past her in the aforementioned 30 minute grind. Now I can finally play the rest of the game, and hopefully I won't get so badly stuck again.
EDIT: I got to bottom route Miku in under 30 minutes. Hopefully boss will go down quicker than 6 months