Author Topic: I Wanna TAS The Screen (v0.5)  (Read 1085 times)


  • Wannabe
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  • Playstyle: Keyboard
I Wanna TAS The Screen (v0.5)
« on: March 15, 2017, 08:24:29 PM »
As of now, the tool is pretty small, but I plan on making it much bigger and more user friendly in the future.

How To Use:
  • You must use objWarpReplay so that the kid can touch it and initiate the replay, any other warp will probably error as soon as the kid touches it as it is not meant to initiate the replay
  • You cannot use multiple rooms in the replay
  • You have to either have a room called "rStage01" or change the starting room in scrSetGlobalOptions, this will be the stage that you TAS.

The tool comes with some preset rooms, including some from other games and some original ones, but every one of them ranges from completely unreasonable to very hard.

Right now, there is no frame advance, only slomo, you can turn the slomo off if you wish by commenting out the first line in the kid's step event.


Reply screens you TASsed (video clip of TAS) or screens you'd like to be TASsed! (Send one of the supported formats: jmap, map,