This is a nice idea.
I'm proud of the boss fight I made for Mr. Wonderful's recently finished game, I wanna kill the Kermit 2. I think I did a good job overall, with the mechanics, graphics, balance, theme, and attention to detail. It's been really nice to hear from people that they enjoyed it. It was also nice to contribute to someone else's big project that I admired myself. I'm looking forward to collaborating on games in the future, and I recommend everyone try working with a partner or small team if you haven't already.
In I wanna be the Scribble, one thing I like is the hand-drawn scribble style artwork. Not only does it look nice and feel fresh, but it's pervasive throughout the game and makes everything feel more unified thematically.
I wanna healing spike, a small recent game, has a unique and charming atmosphere. The visuals, sounds, and level design all fit together to create a soothing experience. Even though the game's quite short, it was memorable to me.