Hello everyone,
As always, the fangame community is branching out in multiple ways to create a larger community, and a more informed one at that! With that being said, Jumpyluff had the great idea of adding fangames to speedrun.com, with the approval of pac!
What does this mean for me?
It doesn't mean much directly, however, this puts all of the fangame speedrun times in one place, and a centralized source to boot. Speedrun.com seems to be an up-and-coming site for all speedrun times, regardless of game/platform. Adding fangames to this mix will only strengthen our communication with knowing our own community, and others!
You can find all the fangames Jumpyluff and I have added so far here:
www.speedrun.com/iwbtgfgOf course, you've probably noticed that there is a large number of fangames missing. We're working on it! This is a huge work-in-progress, but will hopefully yield great results. Although I do not want to discount Denferok's list, I believe that submitting times here AND on Den's list would be fantastic.
The main purpose of this thread is to not only inform you of this addition, but to ask you: WHAT ARE WE MISSING? Did we mess up your time on a game that's there? Is your time simply not there? Did we forget a game that you ran and would like a leaderboard for? Did we forget a category? Did we forget to link a video on your name? etc. etc. Let us know here, or on twitch at twitch.tv/tehjman1993 or twitch.tv/jumpyluff. We won't take offense, I promise.
The cool thing about speedrun.com is that if you currently don't have an account, but decide to make one, all of your times that have the same name will be auto-connected to your account. If for whatever reason you make an account but you spelled it differently than how we have it on the leaderboards, let us know here.
Enjoy guys!
-TJ & Jumpyluff